.............................. WELCOME TO THE COLOURBLIND HEDGEHOGS WEBSITE ..............................
EST.1993... 2023.. - 30 years, THE NOIZE GOES ON !!! We are a fun rock covers band from ipswich, england... formed in 1993 we offer 100% satisfaction ! The hogs are well known around east anglia as one of the top rock covers bands, turning down almost as many gigs as they take each year ! On their journey, the Hogs have gigged all around the region at a variety of events and have in the past made friends not only around the Ipswich area but as far afield as Germany ! Five mates enjoying what they do best... rockin' and a rollin'... we've been known even to enjoy the odd beer or two ! If you're looking for a party, check us out live soon. Cheers ! (For more photo's and to listen to us live! please check us out on Facebook & youtube) ### our CD 'in a bag' is available at our gigs...come and see us if you'd like a copy... just £5...###

Email : colourblindhedgehogs@yahoo.co.uk
twitter : @hedgehogs1993